THE "BONNIE AND CLYDE" identity-theft story rests at the delicious intersection of crime, culture and symbols of Societal Malaise. While the very notion of "identity theft" is particular to the 21st century, so too is the greedy narcissism of the couple - especially Jocelyn Kirsch. Just how does the lure of a luxe, no-strings life embed itself so deeply into the heads of already privileged young people?
THE "BONNIE AND CLYDE" identity-theft story rests at the delicious intersection of crime, culture and symbols of Societal Malaise.
While the very notion of "identity theft" is particular to the 21st century, so too is the greedy narcissism of the couple - especially Jocelyn Kirsch. Just how does the lure of a luxe, no-strings life embed itself so deeply into the heads of already privileged young people?
It might have started with a dad who bought his daughter breast implants. But unfortunately, the prevailing attitude of "gimme more, I deserve what I want no matter who has to pay to get it for me" is dished out daily and weekly by the media that fetishizes actors and actresses and their luxurious, jet-setting, surgically enhanced lives, without acknowledging whatever work it takes to accomplish it.
These glossy images are then mirrored back to average (mostly overweight) Americans, and set an impossible standard for anyone to attain: a life with no worries.
Of course, the irony in this story - and this culture - is that by chasing the empty dream of celebrity, Jocelyn Kirsh and her boyfriend ultimately got their wish. *