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THE 30-YEAR reign of state Sen. Vincent Fumo has both blessed and cursed the First Senatorial District. His 139-count indictment has badly stained the bags of money that he brought home to his district and to the city.

And as the architect of the seriously flawed gaming act, he unleashed an unending and unresolvable battle between casino operators and communities, and between the city and the state.

Three contenders for his seat are running in next week's primary. Who is best to take over?

Not union leader John Dougherty. For many, Dougherty is the local equivalent of the 3 a.m. phone call, with all the terror that evokes. Our problems with Dougherty are these: his refusal to provide data on his union's minority-hiring practices to City Council and the Convention Center. (And shame on Sen. Anthony Williams and Rep. Harold James for their endorsement of him.) He has refused to provide details of Local 98's PAC spending, and has challenged campaign-finance laws in federal court.

We're also disturbed by his refusal to resign his post as Local 98 leader if elected, which he confirmed in a recent meeting with this board. "I'm not looking for another job" he explained about his run. Except the Senate seat is another job, and his refusal to see that is either stunningly ignorant - which no one has ever accused him of being - or supremely arrogant.

Challenger Larry Farnese, a lawyer, is a perfectly nice guy, but it's hard to know what he stands for besides running for office. He is familiar with the issues. We wish it were true that his promise to stand up to legislators on gun laws was enough to make a difference. He dropped a second run against state Rep. Babette Josephs for this race. Many think that he's the only serious challenge to Dougherty. If you see your vote as a strategic move in a chess game, he's your man.

But we think making an endorsement solely on hypothetical outcomes is a mistake. That's why we endorse progressive candidiate Anne Dicker. She has long experience as a neighborhood and anti-casino organizer.

Her campaign hit some rocks this past weekend, when she lost most of her staff, including her campaign manager, but she vows she's in it to fight the Fumo and Dougherty machines.

For that, she deserves support. She lacks legislative experience, but when we asked her what committees she'd want to serve on, she lit up like a policy wonk, and showed an impressive grasp of issues well beyond casinos.

Her idealism may lead to some bruising in Harrisburg, but we think she's smart enough to navigate those shoals. Besides, haven't we had enough of the jaded business-as-usual? She is the only candidate in this race who has the ability to represent a new day in Harrisburg. *