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DN Editorial: Name trail network, win cash

THE NATION'S railroad and highway systems are the arteries of the nation's economy, and they drive, so to speak, civilization as we know it. Both were built in such a different age, it's hard to imagine any transit networks left to create. Unless, that is

THE NATION'S railroad and highway systems are the arteries of the nation's economy, and they drive, so to speak, civilization as we know it. Both were built in such a different age, it's hard to imagine any transit networks left to create.

Unless, that is, you own a bike or like to walk, and then you know that a growing system of trails throughout the country -as well as this region - has a similar potential to change life as we know it by connecting communities and cities, with new ways for people to get from points A to B.

The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission recognizes this and is trying to give a common identity to the many trail systems here, including the Schuylkill River Trail, the Cooper River Trail and the East Coast Greenway, with a cash-prize contest to name the trail network. Details here.