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Letters: Glenn and Williams had the right stuff

Glenn teamed with WilliamsTalk about heroes. When John Glenn was a crack fighter pilot in the Korean War, his wingman was another famous person, Major League Baseball's last .400 hitter, Ted Williams, who had been called back to service ("Space and Senate were in his orbit," Friday). Unlike many other athletes who played ball while in the service, Williams was a combat pilot.

Glenn teamed with WilliamsTalk about heroes. When John Glenn was a crack fighter pilot in the Korean War, his wingman was another famous person, Major League Baseball's last .400 hitter, Ted Williams, who had been called back to service ("Space and Senate were in his orbit," Friday). Unlike many other athletes who played ball while in the service, Williams was a combat pilot.

Glenn and Williams - what a combination.

|Peter F. Vaira, former U.S. attorney, Philadelphia

Fattah should go to prison

It's almost comical to think that former Congressman Chaka Fattah's good deeds as a mentor and "role model" would have bought a lighter sentence for criminal misdeeds ("Proposed Fattah term said too long," Friday). If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Restitution makes sense, too.

|Dick Jones, Warwick

Fattah in prison is a waste

As a constituent of former Congressman Chaka Fattah, I was appalled at the "unnecessarily harsh" sentence proposed by the prosecutors in his corruption case. What a waste of time and my taxpayer money. It would have been far more beneficial to create the Chaka Fattah Institute for Reentry and sentence him to direct such an effort. This would be a far more productive use of his creativity and my taxpayer dollars. It is time to rethink our outdated sentencing guidelines and unnecessary waste of money.

|John Lieb, Philadelphia

Deal with Carrier good for all

The letter computing the $875 per year cost of saving 800 Carrier jobs was accurate but incomplete, because it did not include taxes paid by workers who kept their jobs ("Carrier deal not so hot," Wednesday). A fuller picture shows an outstanding deal for Carrier workers and taxpayers.

Assuming the average Carrier worker earns $35,000 a year, the federal government will receive $3,500 in federal taxes (10 percent tax rate), $2,100 in Social Security taxes (6.2 percent rate), and $500 in Medicare taxes (1.45 percent rate). Indiana will receive $825 per year in state taxes (3.3 percent rate). The $6,925 in annual tax payments will more than offset the $875 share of the $7 million federal subsidy over 10 years. In addition, because Carrier workers will remain employed, $0 in unemployment payments will be made to them.

Skilled and proud employees working, paying taxes to support their communities and not needing unemployment benefits is a good financial deal.

|Fred Walker, Wyndmoor,

How about jobs for the jobless?

President-elect Donald Trump brags that he's saving jobs. But what about providing jobs for those who have none to save? What will he provide for them?

Check the help-wanted ads. Most jobs are in the computer and information technology fields and in those requiring higher education and experience. How can an out-of-work coal miner or a high-school dropout qualify? Trump needs to spend on schools and colleges for those who don't have the education or access or the funds to get that education, instead of wasting money on building walls, literally and figuratively.

If Trump doesn't keep his promises,he may find angry townfolk marching on Frankentrump castle with torches and pitchforks.

|Vivian Worthington, Huntingdon Valley,

Trump's world ignores truth

In this age of inane tweets and reality shows masquerading as truth, have we simply abandoned our reliance on honest, historical evidence? As "fake news" trumps fact-based reality, have we lost our capacity for thoughtful discernment? As our president-elect peddles one mindless falsehood after another, have we become frozen in the ice of our own ethical indifference?

Beginning with his outrageously bigoted "birther" claims about President Obama through his recent lies about "millions of illegal immigrants voting in the general election," Donald Trump has demonstrated a reckless disregard for the truth and an alarming lack of curiosity about the role of our country in the international diplomatic arena. He chooses to exist in a created reality that suits his own delusional view of the world.

|Peter C. McVeigh, Oreland,