Letters: Pa. needs to send a woman to Congress
As a woman in Pennsylvania, I feel as though I am living in the 19th century, before we even got the vote ("The boys' club," Friday). There are many fine women running for office.
Pa. needs a woman
As a woman in Pennsylvania, I feel as though I am living in the 19th century, before we even got the vote ("The boys' club," Friday). There are many fine women running for office.
To join what seems like a mens' club, women need to be more qualified than their male opponents. Pennsylvania deserves at least one woman representing us in Congress, such as Mary Ellen Balchunis of Ardmore, running in the Seventh District. She has my vote because I know she will work hard on equal pay for women and many family- and safety-oriented issues.
When women thrive, families do, too. Wake up, voters - 17 states with not one woman representative does not sound like the 21st century to me.
JoAnn Williams, Media, jwsewn@gmail.com
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Simone Roy, Point Lookout, NY., simone@votesmart.org