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Mary Harvey

Mary Harvey
Mary HarveyRead more

Inspired by her cousin Kim’s shopping business on the West Coast, fashion consultant Mary Harvey launched her own personal shopping company for the Philadelphia and surrounding area called Rack and Roll Clothing. Whether writing for area style magazines or bartending in Philly, Mary is one of those women who puts her heart and soul into everything she does.  It’s not surprising that her personal shopping store comes to you, or to an event near you!  Whether organizing a home shopping event, i.e. mother/daughter party, or an all-out fashion fest at an area hotel, salon or boutique, the clothing and all the accoutrements come to you.  Rack and Roll has an entire boutique of clothing that includes designer jeans, jackets, trousers, tops, sweaters, camis, you name it!  Mary’s mantra for Rack and Roll Clothing is funky, fun and affordable, and they’ll set it all up just about anywhere.  (Sizes run from 0 to 14).   And, Mary knows women like to have a chance to play a little while shopping, so the events and/or home parties always include other services and accessories, along with snacks and a cocktail or two!

WOTW:    How did you get started down this career path?

Mary:        Believe it or not, on a shopping trip.  Every time I visited my cousin Kim in Vail, Colorado I would bring a blank check.  I usually end up spending $4 - $500 for some fabulous new clothes.  This time I decided to buy the store.  Kim started as a personal shopper and that business built her hefty following, which eventually led to her home shopping business.  When I decided to do the same thing in Philly, we created the name Rack and Roll Clothing Co.  And, now my life really busy, but includes shopping and cocktails J.

WOTW:    What would you say is the best thing about what you do?

Mary:          Smiling faces!!  The girls who buy my clothes are usually happy that they found something fabulous, fun, super soft and something that no one else will have.  But, it’s better when they come back to tell me about all the compliments or how great they feel when they are wearing it.  It’s also been amazing to work with so many women business owners.  Everyone really works together and has your best interest at heart.  It’s been surprisingly non-competitive.  And coming from the super-competitive worlds of Music Promotion and Ad sales, this is very refreshing. It’s particularly rewarding to create events at various salons.  And, even though, I come in, set up the boutique and make sales.  The salon owner is thanking me for the increase in their business and asking me to come back.  My life is not only making girls happy, but it’s helping to create more business for local business owners.  Win…Win…Win… What could be bad?

WOTW:    What do you like best about having started your own company?

Mary:         It’s my world to succeed or fail.  The pacing of the business is up to me and I can change my mind.  I can go in whatever direction I want and the only one really affected is me.  So, come January, when I want a week or so off….I’m pretty sure the boss is going to say Yes!

WOTW:    What is the hardest thing for you to accomplish?

Mary:        Organization!!!  If you saw my office, you’d wonder how I function.  I really need a good organizational system.  But, on the upside, this career choice has forced me to work toward being more organized, because it’s the only way to stay afloat.  I’m sure I’ll grow even faster next year, when I have streamlined systems and procedures in place for Rack and Roll.  Right now I’m flying by the seat of my pants and just trying to keep up enough shopping so that I have fun new choices each week for my girls!

WOTW:    Of what are you most proud?

Mary:        My family!  Oh you were probably talking about “What am I proud of as it relates to Rack and Roll.”  I’m really proud that I found a way to do something I love that can help people in the process.  I help new consultants or business owners learn how to market their businesses. I also help local businesses reach their market and give back to their customer.  So, as much as I gain from running a successful business, I also get to see my business helping others.

WOTW:    Describe your philosophy and how you utilize it with your responsibilities at work.

Mary:        “Nothin’ but Love, “It’s all good” and “Enjoy!”  In fact, if you asked anyone who knew me their answer to that question, I’m sure that one of those three things would come out of their mouth.  Nothing but Love because, I think the world can be so negative.  It doesn’t help to complain about a situation if you’re not going to figure out how to change it.  It’s not fun to be sad, or angry, frustrated or overwhelmed.  So, when I start to feel those things or I get that vibe from someone else, I say, “Nothin’ but love.”  Now, it sometimes makes people laugh, or roll their eyes because they’ve heard it from me enough times.  But, it always reminds me that good things come when you are happy, giving and open or focused on love and goodness instead of obstacles.  “It’s all Good” kind of follows the same philosophy.  No matter how crappy a situation, there is always good to be found in it somewhere.  And, by focusing on the good and the positive in a situation, you will always emerge happier and more productive. And finally, “Enjoy!”  Well that’s self-explanatory. Life is to short…Make the most and enjoy what you have.

WOTW:    If you could change one thing in our world, what would it be?

Mary:        Leg warmers!!  Especially the ones that people wear on their arms.  Now Come On!!  No one thought that was a good idea the first time around.  And, now, they are back!!!  Oh and Crocs.  The designer patent leather Crocs with the heals are fabulous.  But, the every day Crocs.  I just can’t bring myself to accept them.  On a more serious level, I’d probably change family involvement.  I don’t know how, but it seems to me that busy schedules or taking each other for granted has left us in a world where most families don’t even find the time to have dinner together once a week.  I think if we implemented that earlier in life, we’d have happier, more productive people.

WOTW:    What’s your guilty pleasure?

Mary:        Ice Cream!!! Ice Cream!!! Ice Cream.  Oh and 80’s hair bands. Yes, I watched Rock of Love.  I even went to Vspot to see the behind the scenes.

WOTW:    What CD or book would you want to have with you on the deserted island?

Mary:        CD,  Bon Jovi’s New Jersey.   And, if I had to pick a book, I think I’d pick my journal.  My life is filled with more crazy stories and amazing people than most books I’ve read.

WOTW:    What advice would you share to someone starting out in a similar venture?

Mary:        Be realistic about your budget.  Have a well thought-out marketing plan.  And, bartend or have a job with flexible hours on the side to support you while you stumble through the beginning stages.  And, trust yourself enough to trip and fall a few times.  All successful businesses take risks and go through trial and error period in order to grow. And, finally LOVE it…this is your life!

WOTW:    What’s the next event/challenge/mission?

Mary:        An amazing fundraising event at the Phoenix Condominiums, 16th and Arch Streets, this Tuesday, November 27th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. that includes complimentary cocktails and catering by local restaurants and caterers (including Spasso, LaScala, Rum Bar and Feastivities), dancing, a live Brazilian band, additional music by 95.7 Ben FM and a full Holiday Shopping Boutique.  Additionally, the evening will include an auction area for prizes including dining and retail gift cards, electronics and furs.  We’ll also be revealing a whole new look for a few special people with fashion makeovers, holiday dresses, sterling silver jewelry and so much more.  One hundred percent of proceeds goes directly to the Calcutta House in Philadelphia.  See more details and a full schedule of events at

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday and feel free to submit your Woman of the Week nomination to