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Church celebrates Christmas outdoors with live Nativity

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Because the coronavirus pandemic prevented them from gathering indoors for their usual Christmas programs, Overbrook Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia decided to host a live Nativity outdoors instead on Christmas Eve, Thursday, Dec. 24, 2020.

Members of the Hausmann and Mayne families portray Mary, Joseph, the innkeepers, and the Magi at a live Nativity at Overbrook Presbyterian Church in West Philadelphia on Thursday, Dec. 24, 2020. It was the church's first time hosting a live Nativity, which they did because the coronavirus pandemic prevented them from gathering indoors for their usual Christmas programming. The families are church members who volunteered to participate in the Nativity scene for a one-hour shift. The event was open to the public from 12pm to 6pm on Christmas Eve.
Members of the Hausmann and Mayne families portray Mary, Joseph, the innkeepers, and the Magi at a live Nativity at Overbrook Presbyterian Church in West Philadelphia on Thursday, Dec. 24, 2020. It was the church's first time hosting a live Nativity, which they did because the coronavirus pandemic prevented them from gathering indoors for their usual Christmas programming. The families are church members who volunteered to participate in the Nativity scene for a one-hour shift. The event was open to the public from 12pm to 6pm on Christmas Eve.Read moreTIM TAI / Staff Photographer