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What our photographers saw on Sunday, November 10

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Moments from our region as seen by our photographers.

Ray Valentine of Bridesburg, who served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam in 1965, hands out American flags to spectators along the route of the tenth annual Philadelphia Veterans Parade on the Ben Franklin Parkway honoring all veterans . He was marching with the Parkway Memorial VFW Post #7650. The parade was followed by the Veterans Festival in Eakins Oval, with activities, food trucks, music, and vendors. Also available were organizations where veterans and family members could gain access to such resources as job recruitment, health-care benefits and service providers, educational opportunities, financial assistance, and workshops.
Ray Valentine of Bridesburg, who served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam in 1965, hands out American flags to spectators along the route of the tenth annual Philadelphia Veterans Parade on the Ben Franklin Parkway honoring all veterans . He was marching with the Parkway Memorial VFW Post #7650. The parade was followed by the Veterans Festival in Eakins Oval, with activities, food trucks, music, and vendors. Also available were organizations where veterans and family members could gain access to such resources as job recruitment, health-care benefits and service providers, educational opportunities, financial assistance, and workshops.Read moreTom Gralish / Staff Photographer