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U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain spent more than $75,000 to slap his name and face on billboards

McSwain is using more than $75,000 in Department of Justice funds to get a message — along with his name and face — out to the public in Pennsylvania. That could boost name and face recognition for a prosecutor with political ambitions.

A billboard seen from I-76 along New Hope Street in Philadelphia's Southbrook Park neighborhood, next to a used car lot. U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain is using Department of Justice funds to run an ad campaign about his office's prosecution of gun crimes.
A billboard seen from I-76 along New Hope Street in Philadelphia's Southbrook Park neighborhood, next to a used car lot. U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain is using Department of Justice funds to run an ad campaign about his office's prosecution of gun crimes.Read moreJOSE F. MORENO / Staff Photographer