Pennsylvania’s Senate race is the most expensive in the country — and it’s not even close
And that’s not counting Pennsylvania’s costly Senate primary.

Pennsylvania’s crucial U.S. Senate race has been the most expensive in the country this year -- and it’s not even close.
Democrat John Fetterman, Republican Mehmet Oz and their political allies have spent a combined $312 million on a race that could determine control of the Senate, according to OpenSecrets, a nonpartisan group that tracks money in politics.
And that’s not counting Pennsylvania’s costly Senate primary. Add the receipts from May and the tab rises to close to $374 million.
The eye-popping cost reflects both the high stakes of Pennsylvania’s race, and the cost of advertising in a big state with 6 media markets, including expensive Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
Here, according to OpenSecrets, are the five most expensive Senate races this year, counting both general election and primary candidates and the outside groups supporting them, such as the national parties and Super PACs:
Pennsylvania: $373.6 million
Georgia: $271.4 million
Arizona: $234.6 million
Wisconsin: $205.8 million
Ohio: $202.1 million
There is one caveat: Georgia’s race could go to a run-off, which would pump up spending there if that happens.