What to do down the Shore, June 28-July 4: Avalon Boat Parades, Tim McGraw, Oceanfest
Plus: Beachstock, Diana Ross, Meghan Trainor, and more.

Looking for something to do (other than veg) down the Shore this weekend? We’ve got you covered. Plus, this week’s many Fourth of July festivities.
Diana Ross
The Motown legend alights on A.C.
8 p.m., Friday, the Borgata, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, sold out (resale from $175), theborgata.com
Tim McGraw
Back-to-back performances by the megastar (whom Phillies fans will forever think of as Tug’s kid) mark the Hard Rock’s first birthday. “Humble and Kind,” Faith Hill’s main squeeze will break out new ballads “Neon Church” and “Thought About You.”
8 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Hard Rock Live at Etess Arena, 1000 Boardwalk (at Pennsylvania Avenue), Atlantic City, $99-$199, hardrockhotelatlanticcity.com
Six weeks shy of Woodstock’s 50th, Margate throws its own all-day rendition. Nonstop music includes performances and dance lessons from both the South Pacific Island Dancers and Jersey country artist Nikki Briar. New this year: a BAGGO bag toss tournament. Returning: the fire department-sponsored beer and margarita garden. Free jitney service along Atlantic Avenue between Coolidge and Fredericksburg Avenues from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday (rain date: Sunday), from Huntington to Granville Avenue beaches, Margate, free, 609-822-1129, margatehasmore.com
All American Variety Show
Seaside Heights kicks off its Monday night concert series and gets an early start on Independence Day with patriotic song and dance.
7 to 9 p.m., Monday, Franklin Avenue Stage, Boardwalk at Franklin Avenue, Seaside Heights, free, exit82.com
63rd Army Band Performance
The instrumentalists of Sea Girt’s National Guard Training Center head south for an annual beachside performance.
7 p.m., Tuesday, Surfside Park, 30th Street and the beach, Avalon, free, 609-967-3066, visitavalonnj.com
Heritage of America Band
The U.S. Air Force brings an active duty ensemble from Virginia to Cape May for a rousing concert of patriotic classics.
7 p.m., Monday, Convention Hall, 714 Beach Ave., Cape May, free, 609-884-9565, discovercapemaynj.com
Ventnor Independence Mile and Fun Run
Early birds get the T-shirts for an evening miler.
7 p.m., Wednesday, Newport Avenue & the Boardwalk, Ventnor City, $15, $10 for age 10 and under, 609-823-7950, ventnorcity.org
Ocean City Pops
O.C.’s municipal orchestra starts its 91st summer with “A Star-Spangled Spectacular,” led by Vince Lee. The coming season features Caissie Levy a.k.a. Elsa from Broadway’s Frozen (July 14) and Grammy-nominated Cheyenne Jackson (Aug. 21).
7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Wednesday, Ocean City Music Pier, 825 Boardwalk, Ocean City, $20-$25, 609-399-6111, oceancitypops.org
Meghan Trainor
On the eve of her free show in Philly (where she opens for Jennifer Hudson), the poppiest of stars goes down the Shore to intro her new album, Treat Myself.
8 p.m., Wednesday, the Borgata, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, $69-$99, 888-228-4748, theborgata.com
Patriotic Pooch and Family Independence Day Parade
Because there’s nothing cuter than a pug in an Uncle Sam hat, North Wildwood decorates both dogs and bikes for a side-by-side parade. (Prizes awarded to both.)
9 a.m. (check-in at 8:15 a.m.), Thursday, Bill Henfey Park, 204 E. Eighth Ave., North Wildwood, 609-522-2955, wildwoodsnj.com
Ocean City Bike Parades
The island’s north and south ends close a few blocks each to cars, so streamer-adorned trikes and two-wheelers can parade freely.
10 to 11 a.m., Thursday, south end: 40th Street and Asbury Avenue; Gardens: Longport Bridge parking lot, free, 609-399-6111, oceancityvacation.com
Before the 9 p.m. fireworks, Long Branch hosts a massive shindig featuring sand sculpting, live bands (Goldenseal, Motor City Revue), a puppet show, capoeira demo, roving stilt walkers, balloon artists, clowns, and a juggler on a unicycle.
10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Thursday, Great Lawn and Garfield Memorial stages, along Long Branch Boardwalk, Long Branch, 732-222-0400, oceanfestnj.com
Avalon Boat Parade
High tide brings red, white, and blue bathing suits and banners for a bayside procession from the yacht club to 25th Street.
11:30 a.m., Thursday, 704 Seventh St. to 25th Street, Avalon, free, 609-967-3066, visitavalonnj.com