Flood advisory issued for Philly area
Rain at rates of up to two inches an hour were recorded in South Jersey.

With rain falling at a rate of up to two inches an area in parts of the region, the National Weather Service has placed much of the Philadelphia area under a flood advisory until late morning.
The advisory means flows are elevated along waterways and street flooding is occurring or is imminent in some places.
A number of motor-vehicle accidents have been reported on slick areas and streets that are prone to flooding, such as the Brooklawn Circle in South Jersey, are under some water.
Rain rates of up to two inches per hour were recorded from Cumberland County to northwest Burlington County, the weather service said in issuing the advisory.
“With rain expected to continue through the morning rush, urban and poor drainage flooding is likely to occur where the heaviest rains fall,” it said.
Despite the heavy downpours, several hundred people turned out in ponchos, rain slickers and umbrellas to be in the audience as ABC’s Good Morning America broadcast its Thursday show from Eakins Oval in front of the Philadelphia Art Museum.
The rain should let up later in the day, with mostly sunny skies and high of 75 degrees predicted for Friday.
It should be sunny with a high of 85 Saturday, but a chance of showers and thunderstorms returns Sunday.