2 pop-up beer gardens have popped up
Work crews at two Pennsylvania Horticultural Society pop-up beer gardens seem to be competing to see which will open first.
The two Pennsylvania Horticultural Society pop-up beer gardens are good to go.
Friday, May 29 at 5 p.m. is the soft-opening of the new pop-up in the once-vacant lot at Ninth and Wharton Streets in South Philadelphia, across from Pat's King of Steaks.
This one, run by Stephen Simons and David Frank of Khyber Pass, Triangle Tavern, the two Cantinas and Royal Tavern, has sprung its menu, which has local celeb names on a few dishes and a dessert, as well as a children's menu. How South Philly, too, to serve an antipasto at a pop-up beer garden! (Menu from chef Travis Messman, formerly of Supper and Society Hill Society, is here.)
The pop-up beer garden at 1438 South St., which was a pop-up last year, as well, opened Thursday, May 28.
No further word, by the way, on the previously announced beer garden at Three Logan Square at 18th and Cherry Streets.