Criniti, the longtime South Philadelphia ristorante, closes
"It was just time to move on and do something different," the owner said.
Criniti Ristorante Italiano's 32-year run in South Philadelphia has ended.
Owner Massimo Criniti confirms that the restaurant, which in 2004 took over a shuttered church on Broad Street near Moyamensing, closed two weeks ago. "It was just time to move on and do something different," he said.
The building will become a Montessori school.
The family opened Criniti in 1985 nearby.
>While on the topic of closings: Girasole, which spent eight years on Pine Street just west of Broad Street in the Symphony House, has closed. The Iovino family is looking for a new location, perhaps in South Philadelphia. Girasole had a long run on Locust Street, near 13th.