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Le Bec-Fin's reopening

New owner Nicolas Fanucci has his team in place.

Le Bec-Fin is now just about one month from its rebirth under new owner (and former manager) Nicolas Fanucci.

Fanucci says it will reopen the first week of June.

Fanucci could have gunned it to open in mid-May to coincide with Penn graduation - traditionally one of LBF's busiest weekends - but he has elected to take things slow.

Fanucci bought the landmark from founder Georges Perrier in March. Right now, the French Laundry alumnus is leading a renovation that will strip out the art-deco touches but leave the chandelier. "My goal is to bring Le Bec-Fin to where it once was," Fanucci told me in February.

The new kitchen, under French Laundry alum Walter Abrams, will employ French techniques but stress local produce and ingredients.