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Restaurant notes: The Village Belle

The Queen Village location formerly housed Frederick's.

The Village Belle, a neighborhood-friendly Mediterranean, opens October 27 at 757 S. Front St. in Queen Village (215-551-2200).

South Philly-bred brothers Lou and Joey Campanaro are behind this spot; Lou was chef long ago at Olive in Cherry Hill and Joey owns the little owl, Market Table, and Kenmare in New York.

They've transformed the look of the previous occupant of the space -- Frederick's -- maintaining the dark, old-fashioned wood bar area but transforming the Sinatra-esque dining room into something far cozier. And the bandstand is gone.

Menu is here

As for the photo here, the men's and women's restrooms off the bar have clear-paned windows. In a flash of whimsy, the guys have blown-up photos of a man and a woman covering the glass.

Website is here.