Petit Roti closes; new eatery is on the way
Olivier Desaintmartin, a master chef of France, says he wants to devote more time to Zinc and to his flagship, Caribou Cafe.

Chef Olivier Desaintmartin says Monday, July 17 will be the finale of Petit Rôti (248 S. 11th St.), the French-style rotisseur he opened in Washington Square West in December 2014 next door to his bistro Zinc.
The shop, specializing in roast chicken, beef, and pork, had been on the market for at least six months.
New operator Matthew Cahn, from New York, is due to take the space with a breakfast/luncher called Middle Child.
Desaintmartin, a master chef of France, says he wants to devote more time to Zinc and to his flagship, Caribou Cafe.
Speaking of French concepts in the neighborhood, J'aime French Bakery is a couple of months away at 212 S. 12th St.
And speaking of French bakeries, The Kettle Black is mere weeks away at 631 N. Second St. in Northern Liberties.